Top 5 Safest Cars for New Families – 2024 Edition
It really is crazy to see and know how fast this year really went by. I remember sitting behind my laptop last year, around this time actually, writing out and planning out new ways to attract viewers to my website and giving the social media pages associated with this blog a facelift, only to be writing the last blog of the year once again. I just want to take some time (again) to thank all my dedicated readers and those who have newly discovered this site, for showing your support (in any way you can). It really means a lot that I can combine my love of cars and my…
Cars in Review: 2024 Toyota Prius
Winning the title of Car of the Year for 2024 (Canada) it only made sense to write about the 2024 Toyota Prius in this blog post, especially given the fact that after this there is only 1 more blog post before the year is over! Of course, all the sentimental notes have to be saved for the very last post of the year, so let’s get right into this one. The Toyota Prius is available in 2 different models – XLE AWD and Limited AWD – both are Hybrid vehicles and come with automatic transmissions. For the sake of this blog post, we will be reviewing the base model, LE,…
Harris vs. Trump – Electric Cars and the Future of the United States
Living on the north side of the American border, I found this topic to be quite fascinating as many aspects of my daily life involve the happenings (if you will) in the United States. Now, by the time this blog hits your screens, the presidential election will be over and a new president will have been chosen. But nonetheless, it would be interesting to get 2024 candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump’s POV’s on a very important topic – electric cars. Now the America’s are very closely related to one another, so anything that happens in the United States affects Canada, but not so much the other way around, well…
Friday Feature – Spotlight: Lewis Hamilton – Formula One
In this weeks blog post, we will be doing a bit of a throwback since I haven’t written one of these in a while. We will be covering a Spotlight/Friday Feature on Lewis Hamilton – the famous Formula One driver for Mercedes. We all know him by Lewis Hamilton in the Formula One world, but since he was knighted in 2021, he was re-named Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton (okay, maybe the Sir part was the only new real edition) point is, he’s a big deal no matter what you know him as. Born on January 7, 1985 in Stevenage, England to parents, Anthony Hamilton and Carmen Larbalestier, Lewis (like many…
5 of the Fastest Cars You Can Buy in Canada
In this week’s blog post we will be covering 5 of the fastest cars that can (legally) be bought in Canada. But first, I want to wish my Canadian readers a belated Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all got the family time that you were looking for and enjoyed celebrating among those you love and care about. I can’t believe how fast the year is going by, before you know it, it’ll be Christmas! But I digress, so back to the real reason you’re reading this post – finding out how you can re-enact the Need for Speed movie of course! Coming in at number 1 on the list is…