RIP to the SUV
The world of SUV’s is done ~ Vincent Cobée, CEO of Citroën With everything taking favour to the digital side nowadays, it’s no surprise the same can be seen in the automotive world. So many advances have been made to technology and this is also reflected in recent years with car capabilities expanding to parking itself without a driver and just by a push of a button. Although SUV’s may be thought out to be the safer option on the road, cars are tending to be the ones consumers are leaning towards. Now agreed, the numbers and statistics may be proving otherwise right now, but very soon a decline will…
The 10 Worst Luxury Cars Ever Produced
You know what they say, with luxury comes expenses, but some things are better left at the dealership, if I do say so myself. Welcome to this week’s post dedicated to the all too famous luxury cars but with a twist – the worst luxury cars ever produced, and some of the names on the list might actually surprise you. 1. BMW i3 BMW takes the title for the worst luxury car ever produced and for all the right reasons. The i3 was introduced in 2013 as an Electric Vehicle, around the time when EV’s were still quite new, producing 170 horsepower with a range of 80 miles. These two…
Trade In vs. Private Sell – Which Gets You More Money?
It’s finally time to think of getting a new car, what a wonderful time of year indeed. But now you’re faced with a really important question, should I trade it in or sell it privately? This week’s blog post will surely help you decide for yourself which option is better for you. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, but ultimately the best deal is what you’re after. We will break down exactly what each option means and compare them to see what option will get you the most money. What Does Trade In Mean and How Does It Work? A Trade In is a common choice by many consumers that…
Throwback Edition: 2008 Recession in Canada and It’s Impact on the Automotive Industry
In this week’s blog post we are going to be throwing it back all the way to 2008! There were so many reasons that many Canadians will never be able to forget that year; the iPhone was expected to be released on Roger’s wireless service provider, the federal government issued a formal apology for the acts committed in Residential schools, and of course the economic crisis. We will be covering the impact of the crisis specifically on the automobile industry and ways to (possibly) prevent it from happening again in the future. What is a Recession and how is it different than an Economic Depression? A recession is defined as…
The 5-Speed Manual Transmission is Nearly Extinct – What You Need to Know
About 70 years ago times were a lot different than now. Most of the things we take for granted today were just being invented or discovered by curious people of those times and although many of them might have been told they were crazy, they still continued to pursue their dream. It is with many thanks to them today that they never quit because although they didn’t realize it then, the inventions would prove to be very useful today. Take the 5-speed manual transmission for example – one of the greatest inventions of all time. This first came available on the market in Europe during the 1950s being equipped in…