Overview for Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles are taking over the world by storm – and not to mention they are getting pretty popular anywhere you travel to. They really are the car of the future. So what is an electric vehicle? Also known by the abbreviation EV, it is a vehicle that is contains a power source of either solely or partially electric power. Electric vehicles are environmentally friendly vessels that have low running costs, less moving parts, and use little to no fossil fuels (petrol or diesel). The batteries some of the older EV’s use contained lead acid or nickel metal hydride. However, the modern versions have standard batteries within that are lithium…
Spotlight Feature: Payment plans that make buying a car easier as a recent grad student
No time is better for a student than the outlook of graduation. So if you recently graduated (like me) or are graduating soon, conGRADulations! You made it! All those long nights, questionable assignment grades (especially when you thought you deserved more than the grade you got), and even those dreaded group work assignments, you survived. Now is the time that you venture off into the real world, whether it be looking for a job, starting your own business, or simply turning over another milestone in your life. How Much Car Can You Really Afford? Before venturing out and making a big purchase, evaluate your ability to do so. Speak to…
How to Get Your Car Ready for Spring
Ahhhh after the kind of Canadian winter we had, seeing signs of spring is more than just a relief. I mean I love the snow, but to a certain extent, cause you can’t drive around in your summer cars! This week’s blog post is sure to maintain the spring vibe and maybe even teach you something you can pass on to others. In only a matter of days, Spring will make it’s much awaited arrival. So maybe now is the right time to get your car prepared for next season. Even though it may seem far away, I promise you it will be here sooner than you realize! Spring cleaning…
March Spotlight: Mercedes EQS Sedan
Mercedes Benz is a German luxury brand car company that was founded on June 28, 1926 by Karl Benz, Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach and Emil Jellinek – whose daughter is the original namesake for the company. Mercedes-Benz has 93 locations worldwide with their headquarters located in Stuttgart, Germany. The company is responsible for many of the technologies that exist today including the crumple zone (1959), the airbag (1980), and PRE-SAFE braking (2002) to name a few. Ever since then, Mercedes has continued creating history one car at a time. From the world’s first automobile invented in 1886, to the first omnibus with a petrol engine invented in 1895, to the…
Friday Spotlight Feature: Project Cars – A deep dive into what makes the perfect project car
Let’s start with a mini recap of last week, who watched the super bowl?? In case you missed it, the LA Rams won, although it was a close game – 20-23. Better luck next time. But are you still interested in more super bowl after the game? Why not check out the blog post I wrote before this one called Best Car Commercials (Over the Years) From the Super Bowl Let me know what you think on the social media pages or by leaving comments on the post. But enough super bowl talk for now at least, why don’t we get into this week’s post? I promise it will be…